thy Name "life-form" Continuum (Eminent Domain) HI Corp entity / adapt Protocol government Org... We have ability to -through Potential, much time touch time complete -finish the Work.

Real-time real (Start) practical application; Basically, all that's left or that I need now is love and positive energy, right.? If we are not organizing evolution program God -Believe it or not- it's defective. It's breaking down tying in against itself; that you can and we'll see I guarantee.

An example you find familiarity with negatives, obstruction like... resentment, little sneaky ones like cynicism, sarcasm... that Tee-off up into your Center, lead pyramid like crystal ley lines into the bottom base of your Coding genetics life-form body. Intakes and convolutes reactive mind and base programming reaction. dissension Downs" (hardening) distrust and doubt –An evil burning sensation