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Cutting open the throat of something "before the Morning" "so the Son would rise" doesn't seem to be "the insanity"(displacing death into life form) If you study the Record of Holy books; observe Covenant and consciousness... throughout Old Testament and Book, Speaks of One servant; building Altars of Stone to the Lord. (those being quite interestingly some of the only remaining traces of "Temples to the Lord" or evidence of recognition left in the "Ear'th")

Also note the instruction of "pouring the blood of 'the sacrifice' out, upon the earth" how they made of it a temple and how the book spoke of the earth being an altar to the Lord

the Record (Book) and greater evidences of Origin must be connected. Reality (Intelligent) Conscious: God Me'm-be'r or "remembrance"

also, it traces the record of Thoth the Atlantean. Who told of building the pyramids. "Described" reaching out; conversing the far ends of space. Developed writing and religioN. Spoke of the flood of AtlantiS and migrating ... 36,000 year old indestructible emerald tablets under some One of the pyramids in Peru.

Strangely of the greatest evidences of affect. Means record physical existence where the Unitary physics match... Up to the meanings and root of the Word