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t'hi'rd (top) to behold, monster passed through dupe king left behind lay Dead, sleep... both still share legs lower 1/2 body -monster contraption taken dominant. ship lock in mec'R-u-ins behind ("back"head king faucet thing; sh'ape "b-a-t out'a hell" w (connect) n-o'sE chin bridal in2 stream down wAter f'i'sh (under el(bow)ephant -sucked Dupe kings penis into f(b)east)head (Primary) goes down into her midSexion cycles out between its/he'r legs serpent like tail-into feet(pen'is -should be- small trace... trunk into beast) left-part (Center overlapping) underpass(around back under itself) in too Little arm mini hand far right apparatus (penis device monster succubus thing) con'trolL

back to bottom (first) creature feeding sErpent (behind ‘m'out-h’ into lock-in mechanism of king sea't: back (c-r'owN) Reversed faucet coming out ‘leaf’ over pOol Architecture background animal "water"/"primary" ...beast face coming out back creatures head, drinking?

back to (top) left corner pic -- two Life stream(one slight) Going down, into f-i(n)sh product; event horizon

Cycle, manacle frame End Pisces (fish) Zo'di'ac. Aquarius