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The Book was indeed put forth to Me in the eVent cycle infestation evil ani’mal: term given Man –for judgment.?

...Certain of the appropriate beings groups, organizations, institutions, entities even...hopefully who will have made preparation for the basic requirements and necessities of God(who most likely cultivated basic potentials –with the institution of righteousness and honor)

with the imperative institution of righteousness and honor; can't be empHaSized enough... at the end of the day; Doesn't matter what good you have or how good you are. the most great, advanced, attractive and helpful wealth is Essentially without meaning -false. can only be accounted evil to the Lord; without honor, righteousness, Judgment. Without discipline and account, ungodly comsummation of the devient creation

need be Commissioned, to Organize and do the good work. Naturally... Any cool real mofo* Might want tO Pray to die (pray to God) so you can fly, the wings of heaven sings, kings. the finer things to God, brings...You can get it you know and when you get it,.. get it to GO.

It would be appropriate to consummate and task the greater organization with permit –Helping, to organize an Institute Management as a shared resource to the higher life form ...a license for the evolution animal. Weeds.

A hunting license, so tospeak–for the great “sacrificial animal” (by its life: divine right in godhead(...sovereign will) just like any other Imposing Overwhelming beast threatening the life existence of man –and perhaps make it much profitable charge for licensing on a scale basis... Ferry fare

Equipped with advanced alien tech'no, the Book. Protocol. Agenda. To discern right truth honor the higher condition 2 APproPriAte PrimAte/ ...take a walk outside

It would be good if we could talk with the better people whom we could find Organization. there Is somewhat world organization in application... we have very many empty abandoned “school institution...” Processing mojo... Sex kebObs

It would probably be fun to try and work on it anyway

If we were to make a Mistake at this point,.? as the being is most entirely Satiate comprehension(condition) existence bound. the burnt offering, ground of God. Altar “The horns of the altar” –Feeding somEThing