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paranoia anima

It's obvious people in their gro'ups should And have Will been Operational Level by noW. more greatly obvious, people Left off most of the higher programming, training outfittinG ( Candy Crush: game player crushes candy... but the nAmE of the Game "Candy Crush" which Candy is crushing mush heads crushing mush heads ) will.

Or hopefully at least become obvious -the need imperative being; fact not negotiable, choice...Fart being carried off in the wind. More like the air that bears and tears (Hearts of) men ( We should be prepared and efficient at least -In the evEnt, as against Ourselves ) pragMatic

People have become greatly taken with the moMent and don't seem to care to see where it came from or where it's going, please - 12 monkeys "the disease" ( t-w'e1've );

The gReat evil fallacy (We are Created to die) ParAmount -how and why? Will we make Operation to the Highest for Advancing Creation and Life Form.? will we continue miserly DEFiaNT disgraceful and deceitfully sacrificing to wilt tretch stretch black death sack demonoid vOid waRp crosS sWine animaltiiinE hunched over miserable bunch, crunch time

Alas I fear, we are greatly in the rear. Man is of God; God, created man. that does indeed seem to leave the rest something greatly other than... Unless a certain being Resourced Instruction Higher things of faith and honor ( It seems to be not so valuable in its end to me. –waylaid omNidiRectionAly ultimate amAss aSs save the insAnity ) Why die like a pig ? We will be dying.

And that the inferior insane, is the "part" with Quality and reSponsible for the great DegenERacy. As the Exchange higher things ( of faith, belief, honor ) - For solidArity, substance; feastie beast the peastilence - have grOwn and come to evolve into next generation; noRmalz...suBorn SubterFuge dELugE apE rApe gRape, grApe rApe Ape. Rape rape ape, ape rape ape – Grape grape, ape

12 monkey
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