I call this, 3 dumb dogs.
Just kidding. hot b*tches!
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6 And when the woman saw that the tree was "good for food," and that it was "pleasant to the eyes," "and a tree to be desired" "to make one wise," she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also "unto her husband with her;" and he did e-at.

It seems the man may have been present as implicated the sixth verse. “She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also “unto her husband with her” - un-to “her husband with her” - is the serpent. (The source of evil ...is the man's first duty having been to its creator); The man is not recounted having any contact or interaction... it's strange the man Having been there, would have been the obvious one to address and engage ‘the great serpent of our imagination’ - had that been. Unless that obvious huge creepy serpent was the obvious only “other one” left (of the two of them) - How else could the man never have been mentioned, in the middle of the conversation - until, “unto” her husband with her” Unless the “man” wasn't man.