Dana D! Ash VS Evil dead!

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Also, if you want to look fine and good. you have to cut the bad junk carbs like; simple sugar starch filler food crap that just adds to junk body mass... like noodles.(if you like noodles; use the new good stuff! made of beans, quinoa...) you don't want to eat a bunch of potatoes. (especially fried in bad oil. sh*t fried food, makes you smell funny.) rice, junk breads... like rice; use the black or brown(it's good, if you brown it first; in olive or coconut oil, like 5 min. til it starts smelling like popcorn, then add water and a little salt. put in fridge and when you're hungry; chopp onion -saute (olive or coconut oil) 30 seconds –throw in some of that rice, Sea salt (always have a tubberware of diced steam beats! in fridge, they're really good for you and they give you energy) + some of those, mix in a couple eggs; you have a really good healthy fried rice...
It's good to do high protein diet cut excess stored carbs. but after you've burned the fat, (no carbs) causes body to "slow your metabolism." use good carbs couple times a week to speed back up metabolism. Oatmeal(eat the oats Once or twice a week, ½ cooked, more on the dry side (cleans your intestinal track –my mom taught me) it's good w/ bananas and honey or cinnamon brown sugar, chopped up granny apples) Water w/ lemon speeds up your metabolism, boosts your immune system. you need the phyto nutrients from raw fruits and vegetables. ...good carbs make your body burn energy to use them. You need the good fats and oils for your body to release the bad fat. Omega 3's!