College paper dissertation .!. Doc PhD Quantum foam -shortstop chopper 101-g MLB

(Atlantis) that's funny... we could've been superstarsšŸŒ“ ā€“ATL Jacob! blessed
principal reality is like God code/ API request Server. Very basic functional dynamics, change (w)hole soul physi'cal construct:
God complex. Material. Make-up) 21 And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty. 22 But every (woman) shall borrow of her neighbour, (neighbor) and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians. ā€“3 KJ Exodus 1.Gov.Job 'takE away' ā€“f'rogs toad. torture/ extract goods; make the appropriate distributions, payoffs. (put it back) Redistribute w/ the Better high minded positive "disposition" gathering God, Communal. human evolution is institution. It's very conventional šŸ„

So of the highest Development... you May find; Basic 'organization' of God And the book of man 'evolution' ā€“alien technology. -govern "sovereign" superior" The most basic organization of the book ( -complete circuits- Matrix, ) like life and death in comparison.

telling the secret about The book, what it meant by -borrow- Because you see what everyone meant in their opposing inner "Mary quite" selves

The alien (consciousness) God -allowed me to through my prayer, Doesn't go unblessed. "Never fails its promise..." Error damage hurt was to my outer mortal body. Converting to ethereal, dark matter 5D etc.

In my early Age middle teens, it started "sounding" through more heavily, told/ Warned me of a time-press. I realized I was working on Ethereal outer body, (cognition, memory) the temporal temporary one for the inner ET ā€“Eternal

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