Joas "Joab" (Benaiah) servant of Solomon/ David; called to "fall on"(big technicolor term legal process, definition: bona-fide) enemy and treacherous betrayers of the Lord; servant and kingdom... Of the origin (book) root word trace –line, history; Arc Of the covenant, kings of Israel/Ethiopia -Judah and Jerusalem... 1st verse – 7',7'man named Lurch, picked up on Figueroa in his underwear w/ chunks a flesh from his girlfriends -pancreas or kidney- and her lovers... hanging off his chain; they gave him 77 years... (You can hear from the 1st verse...) -company/ God-book judgment; -root, origin, subtext and basis 'Constitution', law- lawful. (the whole system, substance premise and reason for any -justice- judgment and man, etc.)And when We get Corporate; factory (Line) –life 4m DNA archive -Physics- straight he should be Paroled early: "eminent domain" Emergence stipulation condition work release program –Hi-CIA/ NSA -alien archive tech- (RepositOry) God book; By the judgment, God term – ani-mal... Libertarian rule, democracy/ Republic, "freed'm" "human" -rights (commission) etc.


I (...More Askance. related...) open discloseD something of the “Solar” alignment (Mayan hieroglyphE) ascEndancy, in the Covenant comic...

couple times when I was young, I wondered why I'd never see... & IT didn't come by to be & hang out with me, in the spaceship!.. Word mother

And check that seahorse crop circle head dog w/ the 1/2 limp'i (coming out of the top of the little holographi pyramid God sign) for the bottom jaw m/out all the "spiral" Cyclic/ circle shit hack coming out back – Dog, "Roof roof! roof !"