man, Lycan. (from Underworld... from the Lacedaemonions. from the Line God archive master children's school book Plutarch lives) Origin, "Greek" ...reek here peak Trojan War'E sum wall battle comes one evolveS superior Lycan race, two / twO – Negative polarity. sides... Sandman, land seA

“Chased from the foremost line, the Grecian train Now man the next, receding toward the main: Wedged in one body at the tents they stand, Wall’d round with sterns, a gloomy, desperate band. Now manly shame forbids the inglorious flight; Now fear itself confines them to the fight: Man courage breathes in man; but Nestor most (The sage preserver of the Grecian host) Exhorts, adjures, to guard these utmost shores; And by their parents, by themselves implores.

“Oh friends! be men: your generous breasts inflame With mutual honour, and with mutual shame! Think of your hopes, your fortunes; all the care Your wives, your infants, and your parents share: Think of each living father’s reverend head; Think of each ancestor with glory dead; Absent, by me they speak, by me they sue, They ask their safety, and their fame, from you: The gods their fates on this one action lay, And all are lost, if you desert the day.” – Iliad dad