One time, after I got up to NC, the first Spring, we set up garden bed round,.. plant boxes on the porch, -tomatoes and Basel (for Pesto!) My brother hung a bunch of tomato plants all along Off the fence upside down, through holes in the bottoms of coffee cans loaded w/ soil and a drip system. cool

I was flipping the good compo bed box my brotherS started, this really big neat yellow and black exotic spider had made its Web over the bin for the flies... I started squatting, watching for a fly to hit the web but the spider wouldn't move while I was watching.

My brother also got me into Gracie jitsu, some days i'd go out to the shed to work on / build core, leg strength... there was a big'ol daddy long legs on the bench I whacked to drop on the web –half alive- like an offering, to see What it would do, you know

when I dropped it, snatched wrapped... so quick. Next day I came over, when I bent down to see; it was like it was waiting,.. hit the fly, right before it actually made contact w/ the web I think. boom! tackle sewed it up for me; like consciousness.

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