I hit this up to major Super Corp a year or so ago,.. they never did get back to me so I figured I should probably forward it –

I have a friend named Sarah that's blind and I need a Star Trek Data like device or some really dope glasses that can send the photon receptor signal electrical signals from the photoreceptor's, retina, optic nerve, to the brain. so that would see like the eye or a really good high tech camera recording device and send the photoreceptors signal, that goes through the retina optic nerve to the part of the brain that turns the Signals into the images you see. So we just need something to get that signal to the brain and bypass the bad circuitry. You could also use it to see from a satellite... I did reach out to Google X division but I haven't received any correspondence or indication as to anything forward, so maybe you could start by reaching out to them and seeing if or where they're at. I do look forward to working with you and getting on with it, and I can sure use some help. thanks

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