...don't want to do discipline and account. tend to become stifled, petty, false, convoluted, weekend and obsessed. confound fear inferior; like the great "sacrificial animal"...doubtful, faint and the great fear comes over them. 'the great fear' is not something of man, it's something more servile... Person who wants to believe in God becomes better just because it believed and had something to keep a grasp on its higher nature accountability. the other thing, gave way in its wanting to feast -like an old pig. those scared beaty little greedy pig eyes darting about... Dubious.

It seems like it may be changing! What if things are changing? Because it seems like it's changing. dreamed about changing. Daydreams... I think, people think, "I don't want to "believe in God" -don't want to worry about doing things I don't want to do, And not be able to do what I want. don't want account or discipline and judgment. "All we have is this life" just want to pig out like all the rest, ani-mal. Especial"

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