One Time, I stopped the rain. James Marino helped. I think I was with Dominic. Jason, Ronaldo and Janine were there (I'm not sure how much Ronaldo and Janine helped) We were moving James to a new place in Durham and it started pouring rain out, Dumping. We took the first load off the U-Haul and when we got back out to the porch James said, "come on guys, We can do this. Help me Pray and stop the rain, like Jesus." I'd always believed and wanted to but was hesitant and felt kind of wrong or vain,.. asking God to stop the rain. And I was scared; I didn't want to ask because it could have shaken my faith slightly if I was wrong. We prayed about 20 seconds and it completely stopped. Swear to God. was mostly James, and I was just joking about Ronaldo and Janine. They are way cool, I'm sure they helped a lot. + they were fun to hang out with.

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