function-junction draft (four) OUTLINE Baseline

Interface (Technology) Business Admin / Realty

Contact program for transition and higher direction. Goal...

(program through...) UNLV, Marine Corps –Military Industrial Complex. Corporation (CIA/NSA back up government Life securities needed to lend authority, intelligence program, training, resource... -participate- Outsourcing High-value target + functioN. $) -power, user Interface- flY it. "seA..." -? herE. It's a dump. (primary resource) huge availability for technical Research / material profit.

Completion contract) Evaluation Technology Certification
(Need for Contract obvious... System crash malfunctioning from "personnel deficiency" Medium —Increasing discontent, trouble performing basic tasks... (sociopath) 'high'

(it's reasonable, 'appropriate' to detail -Structure- physics program center)
if you guys wanted / cared WE could Team-work off basics and FIX MOST THE DEBT CEILING, WORLD ECONOMY

take away bad body mechanics, "Daemons" (not life or human body:) So much great place for functional position of material value —life
–RESOURCE– 'spoil' sour(sou...l or -r) ('live') -SOUL- eat lower lifeforms; "obey" remove, replacE -e'vil(blob shit slob 'peep-hole' seA... Mans –covenant– -w/ God) 'ingr-atE' piggers biggers rhymes with... Piggers biggers judgment stick, piggers biggers –quick

EXCESS: (not human body) bad magnetics; eating, swallowing up, taking away. 'DEFECATE'

C'Our-t('cross') (Court-ship) 'Due process' -'GOD MADE MAN'- (clone alone; -soul- pigskin dog bone... cute, furry little-friend; (black) white stripe down the middle, then... )

Weeds don't have rights in the garden 'Invasive' Pestilence.

"And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell."

And I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them. -20 Ezekiel, King James

buddies(the shoes) Next