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also later, like 21. I had a friend name Nick I'd been knowing for a while, went for a ride with his family to see some kickboxing; gym he'd been training with, in Highland Park. his team did good. One kid flew; when the bell rang, he jumped flying knee into the face... flew the whole time. and all the way through the match, he kept throwing his arms up like the champ after the announcement! -RUN, JUMP UP- OVER- PUNCH into the face. Fists fly up into the air, CHAMPION !
...when we were riding up on the way there, I found a Source magazine in the back seat console of his dad's truck. it had Jimi on the cover; everybody really good and cool you’d ever heard of that was somebody was giving it up big time in the article saying, he’d revolutionized, changed music. the guitar, they’d got distortion from him. the great spirit...

around 15, I was in a youth camp. doing community job -some woman's desert junkyard Out back. Working up root Pulling good heavy weed, tilling leveling ground; nice hot summer, really pretty outside. the guy Projecting the group was a big cool funny looking white guy name Mr Davis (he tried to care and help) he’d brought a little boom box radio out with us, Jimi Hendrix ...Song happened into start as I sat down,.. "hear" it was speci'al, remember ...I should listen. high transmission - developing immediate life consciousness and I remember thinking, this is... what, ‘music’ is