if you need to rest (back up your body) you can feel it unlock and heal doing light warm up exercises, stretches... it's no big deal if you hurt yourself, if you lite work stretch back into it will become even stronger -actual building process. rip muscles, blood aminos fill in proteins heal increase / decrease mass (depending on type + weight =more mass. + repitition(–) tightens) tearing down and healing up, process... You just can't keep tearing. you have to give yourself breaks and change-ups to heal. you can feel the brokenness, you use the light workouts and stretching to workout the lactic acid and intensify enhancing healing process. sometimes when you go really hard for a while -you need to take a break, still doing little stretches and light warm up stuff to loosen and help you speed up reparation. You can take 3 mons... a year -and come back.

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