"bad injuries" usually through addiction. pushing pushing it pushing it for adreno dopamine, don't understand bodies, physics; turn over, find something else better to do and allow themselves to heal. keep pushing til really hurt, tear something; causes more (lasting) injury. (an exception for example, we'd play different sports all day sometimes as children... bad sprain twisting ankle, few times. instead of staying off it, getting stiff, set next day hurt real tense / sore,.. walking, working it round and around -walk, worked most of it off within a few days. normally would have been a month, could've "healed stiff")

build up and strengthen knees ankles feet, doing lunges... Couple minutes of Hi knees, 20 burpees! aerobics and yoga are so good! -be happy to work and help out with chores; it makes you better, attractive, efficient. opens up life, reality, disposition

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