One time about a year after I got out of prison; a cool kid from new york, white boy named J. moved into the neighborhood. we were hanging out in his room and he went off somewhere... (I smoked too much, got stuck) I was standing up to go, locked up and kind of crashed into the floor on the side of my face. As I was falling forward, I thought, shit –I'm going to die. I swear to God, some alien consciousness came altering into my mind, It was like a spatial warp. and said, "you'll be OK, you're always OK."

I'd obviously smoked too much 20 times before... (that was different) -It wasn't the PCP.

anyway. about a year or so later i was smoking meth, doing circles around the city -cyphering, the faith (you can hear god) whirlwind... in the middle of some sh*t twilight zone 007 alien technology black Op shadow. Set up... dialed in some mark, hanging time over... I told'em, "skate or die" -Swear to God.

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