Richie never came. next day, swore up and down –he never called. I did remember picking up a certain shady vibe off'im a couple months before he kind of stop coming around...

who knows, he could have easily been pulled over with a sack of weed and a handgun and decided,.. didn't want to Sit in jail, a week. He was a extra cool buddy shaky dude. I know his mom was a fat snitching sack of sh*t.

Police were driving by right as I stepped out of my friend's house one night. (a couple girls that lived few doors down) ...didn't see me (there's a few feet of wall dividing every townhouse and I leaned behind the wall) watched them Ease right up in front of her house where she was waiting at the curb; stuck her head in the cruiser window like they were homies, talked to'em all loki slick for about 1 minute and they rolled off.

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